Frequently Asked Questions



What is a Life Plan at Home?


A Life Plan at Home (LPaH) is a lifestyle protection program that aims to keep people healthy and independent in their homes as they get older. It consists of three main components:

Wellness Management to help keep you healthy.

Care Coordination if health issues ever arise.

Financial Coverage to pay for care and protect your assets.

Is a Life Plan at Home a new concept?


Life Plan at Home programs—also known as "Continuing Care at Home" or "Continuing Care Without Walls"—have been around for 40 years and have helped thousands of older Americans keep living in the homes they love.

However, these programs have been limited geographically since they are run by local senior living facilities, which is why most people have never heard of them. With the amazing results these programs have shown, we decided to launch Evergold to bring them to more people.

Is a Life Plan at Home the same thing as Home Care?


Many people confuse the two, but a LPaH is actually a more comprehensive offering. Home Care—such as caregiver, companion and homemaker services—is just one of the many services a Life Plan at Home program offers.

How is this different than Long Term Care Insurance?


Life Plan at Home ("LPaH") programs are similar to Long-Term Care insurance ("LTCi") in that they both cover costs of long-term care services as you get older. However, there are three main differences that we believe make LPaH a more holistic offering:  

1. LPaH is proactive whereas LTCi is reactive.  
At Evergold, we work with you while you're healthy with proactive programming and a dedicated Wellness Manager. Care coverage kicks in immediately once you need assistance to help avoid it becoming a larger issue.

Long-Term Care Insurance only kicks in once you've had a health issue for a certain amount of time called an "elimination period"—which is sometimes as long as 180 days.

2. LPaHs provides coverage for life, whereas LTCi has caps on the benefits they offer.  
Provided you continue to pay your monthly fee, we will cover the cost of your care up to your daily benefit for as long as you live, ensuring you have financial protection and peace of mind that your care needs will be met.

Long-Term Care Insurance generally caps your coverage at a dollar amount and/or number of years of care.

3. LPaHs manage care, while LTCi manages claims.
The main goal of an LPaH is to keep you healthy at home as long as possible. We manage care and costs with your holistic wellbeing in mind.

Long-Term Care Insurance, on the other hand, is a financial program that manages the costs of claims and aims to maximize their company's returns.

Many people who have LTCi end up complementing their insurance coverage with a lower-tier LPaH plan so they can maximize their coverage.

Aren’t I covered already with Medicare?


This is a common misperception, but Medicare doesn't typically cover long-term care services or caregiver/companion type services.

Medicare covers health services (e.g. a necessary surgery and the resulting follow-up care), but it doesn’t cover ongoing assistance with the activities of daily living.

Unfortunately, this is often why many people end up financially challenged later in life. They learn too late that Medicare coverage only goes so far and are stuck paying out of pocket for long-term care services. With Evergold, we offer the care and coverage you need to live with peace of mind wherever you call home.


What are the different plan options?


We offer several different plans so you can choose the coverage that works best for you and your lifestyle.

All three plans offer access to a Wellness Manager and ongoing care coordination. What differentiates the plans is the amount of financial coverage each provides—known as the “Daily Coverage Limit”—if you ever need assistance with the activities of daily living (ADLs) or other long-term care needs.

Tier 1 = $350 daily coverage limit
Tier 2 = $250 daily coverage limit
Tier 3 = $150 daily coverage limit

Any needs above this Daily Coverage Limit will need to be paid by members out of pocket. Tier 1 is priced to be greater than the average local Skilled Nursing rate so you can have peace of mind knowing you’re financially covered for life.

What services does Evergold at Home cover?


All of our plan tiers cover the following services:  

Wellness Management:  
- Regular check-ins with your Wellness Manager
- Annual home safety assessments  
- Access to our digital wellness platform  
- Help navigating the healthcare system
- Referrals to trusted local partners
- An on-call Care Concierge  

Home-Based Care (if needed, up to the daily coverage limit):
- Homemaker Services: assistance with chores such as cooking, dishwashing, and laundry
- Home Care: assistance with bathing, dressing,  personal hygiene, and mobility
- Companion Services: supervision of Activities of Daily Living and medication reminders
- Adult Daycare Services  

Facility-Based Care (if needed, up to the daily coverage limit):
- Assisted Living
- Skilled Nursing
- Memory Care

How much does Evergold at Home cost?


To join Evergold at Home, there is a one-time membership fee and an ongoing monthly fee.

Specific pricing depends on which coverage plan you choose and the age at which you join. We also offer discounts for members of the same household who join together.    

The good news is that membership fees are often entirely tax deductible, though please consult with your tax advisor. Schedule a call with your Membership Counselor to learn more.


What if I change my mind after joining the program?


The one-time membership fee is at least partially refundable for the first 50 months you are part of the program, giving you plenty of time to make sure you are comfortable with your decision.

Months 1-6: the membership fee is fully refundable, net of any service costs.

Months 7-50: you will receive a prorated refund equal to the membership fee minus 2% for every month spent in the program, net of any service costs.

For example, if you terminate the agreement after 14 months in the program, you will receive a refund equal to 100% - (14 x 2%) = 72% of the membership fee, net of any service costs.

What happens if I end up moving after joining?


That's no problem! If you move to any of the 48 contiguous U.S. states, your program membership travels with you. We only ask that you give us 30 days notice so we can plan accordingly.

What happens if I need to move to a Senior Living facility?


While most Life Plan at Home members never need to move to an Assisted Living, Memory Care or Skilled Nursing facility, if the need does arise, your Wellness Manager will make the transition smooth and seamless.

Your Wellness Manager will identify a high-quality facility, and the financial coverage of your plan can be put towards paying for it. This financial security is one of the biggest benefits of being an Evergold at Home member.

What happens if I want to move into a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC)?


We understand that sometimes interests change and you may decide they would rather live in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (also known as a CCRC).  

If that's the case, you have two options:

1) Maintain your Evergold membership as your care option if you join a CCRC with a Type B or C contract; or

2) If you join a Type A CCRC, we will refund 90% of your membership fee (net of any care costs incurred) to be put towards the CCRC entrance fee.


Who is eligible to become an Evergold at Home member?


We work with seniors who are in relatively good health and live in the Columbus, Ohio metropolitan area.

Sign up for one of our upcoming seminars or a one-on-one meeting with your local Membership Counselor to learn more.

When should I apply to become an Evergold at Home member?


It’s a personal decision to join our program, but waiting runs the risk of higher care costs and not qualifying at a later date. The cost of membership increases as you get older, and you leave yourself open to the risk of a disqualifying medical condition the longer you wait.

Once you join, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have wellness management, care coordination, long-term care services, and financial coverage for life.

Contact us today to get started!

Do my spouse and I both need to qualify to join the program?


No, both spouses do not have to qualify to join. If you are eligible for our LPaH program, you will still be considered for the program, even if your spouse does not qualify.

Joining a LPaH program can be a helpful solution in situations like these. While both spouses won’t be members, Evergold can help financially protect the couple's overall financial assets while supporting the healthy spouse in maintaining their health.