Nicole Cicerella

Mary and Terry's Plan for a Secure Future with Evergold

Mary and Terry's Plan for a Secure Future with Evergold

Discover how Terry and Mary's decision to join Evergold allows them to keep living at home with personalized and tailored support, while safeguarding their assets and staying connected to their community.

Customer Stories
Mary and Terry's Plan for a Secure Future with Evergold

Comfort in Familiar Surroundings

Mary and Terry have been married for 47 years (and 211 days at the time of this interview), and they both turned 70 this year. Terry is a retired chemistry professor, and Mary’s schedule is packed with volunteering at a thrift shop, walking club, and music ministry at her Church.

They’ve lived in the same Columbus home for 35 of those years: “You're comfortable where you are.” They love their neighborhood—the walks they can do from their house, seeing neighborhood children grow up and then move back into the community as adults.

Their two adult daughters, however, live in Chicago and Canada. When Mary was taking care of her own aging parents, one daughter asked her, “Well, Mom and Dad, what are you going to do?” That question made Mary wonder, “Do we have a plan? Maybe, we should look at things.”

A Calculated Decision

The couple embarked on a thorough analysis of their options alongside their financial advisor, with Terry organizing the effort with his trusty spreadsheets. "I said, 'Okay, what's it actually going to cost us? And what kind of care are we going to get with the traditional, with the hybrid, and with Evergold?'" Terry recounted. “It seemed to me that both the traditional policy and the hybrid, their main objective was to ... protect their assets.”

The reason they went with Evergold, on the other hand, “is that the care there is proactive and it's personal. Where there's somebody trying to keep you healthy, trying to keep you in your home, and it's personalized for the type of care that each individual needs. It also is a way of protecting our assets.”

“There's somebody trying to keep you healthy, trying to keep you in your home.”

Peace of Mind for the Future

Lately, they’ve walked alongside several friends during health challenges and wondered how they would handle the same situation. Their decision to become Evergold members has eased their worries. "We've got it figured out for now ...  We have a plan in place for if something happened," Mary explained, underscoring the importance of being prepared. "I find myself not anxious about what could happen, just knowing that we'd have people to talk through it with us," Mary added, appreciating the support system Evergold provides.

The couple likened Evergold to having a "daughter on call" - a testament to the intimate and responsive care they expect to receive. "We know that we would call Nicole ... She'd help us understand what the situation is and what needs to be done," they said, highlighting their autonomy in decision-making with Evergold. They’re relieved that their daughters won’t have to worry about their care when they are far away.

“I find myself not anxious about what could happen.”

Choosing a Young Company with Confidence

Despite the inherent risks of opting for a startup, Terry and Mary were drawn to Evergold's transparent, caring, and organized approach. Mary found comfort in “Nick's detailed responses to our questions—all of that really, really helped.” "The transparency allowed us to have a great deal of trust in the way that Evergold is organized," Terry stated.

Reflecting on their journey, Terry and Mary feel secure and content with their choice, free from buyer's remorse. "With all the stuff that I thought through and with the way the onboarding has gone, we made the right decision, and we're very comfortable with that decision," Terry concluded.

Mary and Terry's story exemplifies the desire many have to maintain their independence and connections while ensuring they are prepared for the future. For them, Evergold stood out as a compassionate and personalized solution that aligns with their values and needs.

“The transparency allowed us to have a great deal of trust in the way that Evergold is organized.”

This interview has been edited for length and clarity. Thank you Mary and Terry for sharing your story!

Are you contemplating your future needs and resolute about maintaining your independence and community connections? If so, Evergold's personalized and proactive approach might be the solution you're seeking.

Discover more about how Evergold can enhance your quality of life as you age. Request more information today and take the first step towards a secure, supported, and independent future.

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